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You are pure potential, here to lead a life of your choosing. You’re not a being that can be stuffed in a labeled box so we don’t treat you or your business that way.

Welcome to a holistic business model that blends modern science, heart-centered sales, marketing magic, and wellness on all levels, with Human Design.

We teach business by your ENTIRE Human Design, not just your Type. Or your Strategy. Or your Profile Lines.

Our model not only respects but teaches you to work with the life cycle you are in, your health, your state of self-worth, and the composite of your whole Human Design.

Business By Design Network is set up to wrap around your Life, it provides integrative strategies to help you run a highly successful business your way!

We pay close attention to nervous system regulation and neurodivergence, and we provide materials in multiple formats for effective learning with minimal distractions to help you work with your beautiful chaos.

We pay attention to unique learning styles and life seasons so we show you how to care for yourself and your business using your WHOLE Design.

We see you, celebrate you, and all are welcome here!

We guide you in discovering:

Who you are when you’re at your most centered, grounded, and aligned with your life purpose self.

What is worth fighting for and focusing on and what needs to be ignored (you do NOT have to drown in social media!)

When to market, scale your offers, and when to hold steady, or seek rest.

Where to find the strength and the courage to hustle in healthy ways when you hit the road bumps all entrepreneurs have to deal with.

How to build a business that still makes money and serves others WHILE respecting the rhythms of your life, the rhythms found in your chart, your Open and Defined Centers, and your energy cycle.

The basics of Human Design and Quantum Human Design with our Introduction to Quantum Human Design course.

The problem is that we’re designed to work connected to our innate creativity and in community even if we are hermits and introverts! Membership benefits us on so many levels!

A lot of us have no business background or degrees and it can get pretty lonely in the digital world while trying to figure out all the things, filter out the scams, the comparsion-itis, and screaming marketers, right?

Doomscroll much? Doesn’t it make sense that you’re struggling to get going and stay going?

The thing is we aren’t designed to learn alone all the time and in fact, peer-to-peer learning consistently proves to be the most valuable when learning new concepts, amplifying creativity, and generating innovative solutions to entrepreneurial struggles.

Actually, a 2019 LinkedIn Learning Report stated that 71% of Gen-Z, 69% of Millennials, 56% of Gen-X, and 54% of Boomers want more collaborative learning experiences and this was pre-COVID!

What is the cost?


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Membership fees are non-refundable once paid. *yearly fee subject to reevaluation each year

The foundational energies of our membership are focused on community, creativity, and future-focused practical solutions for business problems.

To do this we offer:

12-month curriculum on business building best practices with supporting modules, workbooks, and exercises

Access to a LIVE monthly business building call with Karen Curry Parker and weekly calls with our professional coaches

Introduction to Quantum Human Design course

Access to our private community space where you can engage with a like-minded group of conscious entrepreneurs, fostering connections and opportunities for collaboration

Ability to submit a request to guest post to our QHD website, one of which has one of the highest organic traffic streams in the field of Human Design

Access to various resources, business development tools, marketing, and reading materials for you and your clients

You can jump in with us today at a price of only $197 monthly or get two months free when you enroll at $1997 annually.

An integral component of Business By Design Network is a 12-month self-paced curriculum that can be done on your own or you can take the lead and connect with others in our private community to form learning pods, start discussions, and get your questions answered in between weekly live coaching calls and monthly Q&As.

You’ll learn:

Lesson 1: Business Development

Part 1: The Seasons of Business

Part 2: The Themes of Business in the Chart

Part 3: Constructing Your Coaching Model

Part 4: Constructing Your Offerings

Establish a value-based, integrity-driven business model that stays true to your authenticity, fostering longevity and trust in your industry

Master the delicate balance of heart and metrics to ensure the health and sustainability of your business, creating an impact and serving your community

Understand how to construct a “machine-like” business structure that operates efficiently even when you're not present, allowing for expanded reach and service provision

Lesson 2: Building a Coaching Model - The Seasons of Business

Establishing alignment, building a strong foundation, and preparing for all seasons are the key phases every coaching business must nurture for sustainable growth.

Alignment helps you clarify your purpose, mindset, energy levels, and personal brand so you can serve authentically.

Building a solid and strong foundation puts key business infrastructure in place and cultivates client relationships for growth.

Lesson 3: Your Big Why

Relate to money from a healthy, abundant mindset rooted in integrity, service, and care for the greater good

Collaborate with a global community of like-minded souls dedicated to co-creating a new story of unity and peace

Craft sustainability into your work rhythm so you avoid burnout and maintain your energy over the long-term.

Lesson 4: Your Core Message

Clarify your core beliefs and unique value to gain the focus required to share your gifts confidently and effectively.

Identify all your skills, certifications, and experiences to integrate them fully into your offerings for more empowered service.

Craft your core message into a simple, compelling statement that makes it easy for ideal clients to resonate with you.

Lesson 5: What Are You Selling?

Learn how to expand beyond just doing readings to generate more income

Create introductory and advanced courses on hot topics to attract more clients

Build professional trainings, licensing, or certification programs from your expertise

Lesson 6: Who Are You Selling To?

Conduct surveys to uncover your ideal clients' greatest life and business challenges

Craft marketing messages that provide hope and solutions to their pain points

Attract clients who resonate with your authentic self and gifts

Lesson 7: The Sales Process

Learn the seven steps of an effective, integrity-based sales process to create sustainable success in your business.

Discover your clients' true pains and challenges through surveys so you can speak directly to their needs.

Have your sales systems and materials ready to easily take payments when clients are ready to make the investment in your solutions.

Lesson 8: Being Ready to Sell

Simplify your website, payment, and booking systems to make the client journey effortless. This builds trust.

Confer value through pricing - know your worth so clients recognize your value.

Give clients prep work so they fully invest in the process and show up ready.

Lesson 9: Marketing

Learn the seven steps of an effective, integrity-based sales process to create sustainable success in your business.

Discover your clients' true pains and challenges through surveys so you can speak directly to their needs.

Approach sales from your unique design perspective to authentically attract your ideal clients into your business.

Lesson 10: Scaling Your Marketing

Check your motivation - grow for purpose alignment, not unconscious fear.

Evaluate your foundation - improve systems before scaling up.

Identify growth areas - brainstorm expanding leads, sales, and service.

Lesson 11: Time and Timing For Growth Lesson

Streamline client processes for an effortless journey.

Define income goals, time invested, and starting point before scaling.

Automate and outsource maintenance so you can focus on growth.

Lesson 12: Planning Ahead

Calculate your true hourly rate, including marketing and prep time, to price properly.

Market workshops 6 weeks out to give clients time to schedule.

Stay in consistent lead generation with realistic conversion expectations.

Start today and get 2 months free when you choose $1997 annually. Or choose monthly for only $197!

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Hi! I’m Dr. Karen Curry Parker

If there’s one big takeaway I’ve learned from working with thousands of people since the 1990’s, it’s that the single biggest cause of pain and suffering on the planet is the disconnect people experience when they’re not living an authentic life.

It can look like anything from financial problems, relationship issues, physical pain, creative blocks, and even spiritual suffering.

Michelle René Robinson

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Michelle René Robinson joined the Team in 2022 as a Coach for the Quantum Human Design™ Coach Mastermind program. She is a Soul Journey Guide, a 5/1 Orchestrator/Projector, and a Certified Quantum Human Design™ and Quantum Alignment™ Specialist. Michelle draws from over thirty years of business experience and has gained invaluable wisdom throughout her life. Her work focuses on helping women heal their hearts, step into their power, and use their voice with grace so they can live out their purpose and embrace the life their Soul is here to live.

Kendra Woods

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As founder of Soulful Success By Design, Kendra Woods is an international Transformational and Human Design Coach who empowers women to achieve authentic success in business and life by mastering their inner leadership skills. With a background in business administration and over 10 years in the corporate world, Kendra blends practical knowledge with intuitive wisdom to guide purpose-driven women in transcending conditioned consciousness and connecting with their hearts instead of constant hustle. Kendra’s coaching facilitates transformative experiences through personalized programs and literary works like "The 7-Step Morning Manifestation Guide" and "Mind Boss Habits: 12 Steps to Getting out of Your Head and Into Action."

Here’s some real talk…

Business By Design Network: Elevate Your Practice, Embrace Your Design addresses not only the world of service through business because there’s more to our lives than that so it also concerns itself with your personal and professional ecosystem.

We all know the world of work is undergoing significant upheaval from the impacts of economic fluctuations, the Great Resignation, and the trend of Quiet Quitting. And yet even in such turbulent times, businesses both small and large are flourishing! This global paradigm shift in the way we approach our work has given nearly everyone the ability to create a business for themselves.

We believe it's time for heart-based leadership. Its time for businesses to shine brighter, step up as leaders and model how to do business, sales, and marketing in ways that encourage creative development as we commit to finding focused solutions on a micro level (which email provider should I use? What are we having for dinner?) to the macro level (which organizations use my donations well and where should I be investing?).

Adopting a holistic Human Design approach that finds the balance between profit for profit’s sake and profit that fills your cup to overflowing so as you’re nourished and supported so too are your clients, family, local communities, government, and by extension - the world - can get us there.

We absolutely can do business in life-serving and life-saving ways.

BBDN imagines a world where businesses prioritize the health and well-being of the individual and the collective:

Where entrepreneurs live fulfilling, joyful and satisfying lives, enjoying quality time in nature and conversations with loved ones instead of feeling overworked, harried, and financially stressed.

Where employees are respected and treated as vital members of the company's mission, fostering a sense of belonging and purpose for everyone top to bottom.

Where businesses actively engage with and enrich their local communities, solving socio-economic issues with the kind of creativity that only comes with collaboration.

Where businesses acknowledge the reality of Oneness, actively and enthusiastically promoting radical empathy and responsible stewardship of our planet and all its inhabitants.

At the Business By Design Network, we believe in creating a future where inclusive business practices are the driving force for positive change. By joining our network, you'll be part of a transformative community that embraces conscious leadership and empowers you and your business to thrive holistically.

Let's create a world where businesses never lose sight of the value of others and work toward creating a sustainable, equitable, and just world that serves everyone.

Together, we can make a difference and we can do it now!

Enroll now and save 22% off of

$1997 annual (2 months free!) or just $197/mo


What is the Business by Design Network?

The Business by Design Network is a holistic business model that blends modern science, heart-centered sales, marketing magic, and wellness with Human Design and Quantum Human Design although you don't have to know anything about those systems to participate and benefit. It offers a comprehensive approach to building and running a successful business online.

Who can benefit from joining the Business by Design Network?

The network is designed for conscious entrepreneurs who want to align their business with their life purpose and work in a community of like-minded individuals. Whether you have a background in business or not, the network provides resources and support to help you grow your business sustainably.

I'm just getting started so is BBDN suitable for those without prior business experience?

Absolutely! The network welcomes individuals from all backgrounds, including those with or without prior business experience. The comprehensive curriculum and supportive community aim to provide the necessary tools and knowledge for all members to grow successful businesses aligned with their unique design.

How does the network support my unique learning style?

We recognize the importance of unique learning styles. BBDN provides materials in multiple formats for effective learning with minimal distractions. Moreover, the network offers practical solutions for business problems and guides you in determining the best strategies based on your energy cycle and chart.

Can I learn at my own pace or participate in group learning?

Both! The 12-month curriculum is self-paced, allowing you to study at your convenience. However, you also have the option to connect with others in the private community to form learning pods, start discussions, and get your questions answered in between live coaching calls and Q&As.

What is Human Design, and how does it relate to the network's teachings?

First, we want to be clear that even if you aren't a student of Human Design BBDN can help you avoid pitfalls and maximum growth of any business.

Human Design is a system that combines astrology, the I Ching, the Kabbalah, and the Chakra system to provide insights into an individual's unique traits and characteristics. The Business by Design Network incorporates Human Design principles to help you build a business that aligns with your authentic self and life purpose even if you don't know a thing about it!

What if I can't attend the live calls, can I still benefit?

Yes, members who have work or time zone conflicts watch the replays of the live calls and can post their questions to be responded to in our private student space on Circle.

English isn’t my first language, can I still join?

Yes, we have many students and members all around the world!

Can I take this course anywhere?

Yes! It’s all done online.

Do I have to complete the business modules within a limited time?

Since it's self-paced you are able to study however it works best into your life and schedule, and we do encourage you to attend as many of the live calls as you can.

What if I still have questions?

You can email any additional questions to

I'm concerned about diversity and inclusivity. Does BBDN welcome all people?

Inclusivity is at the heart of the Business by Design Network. Our aim is to create a transformative community that embraces conscious leadership and empowers all entrepreneurs to thrive holistically. We celebrate and value diversity, recognizing that each individual's unique background and experiences contribute to the richness of our network. As an equal opportunity platform, we are committed to providing a space where everyone, regardless of their background, can find their place and succeed in their business endeavors. We believe in creating a world where businesses prioritize the well-being of the individual and the collective, fostering a sense of belonging and purpose for everyone involved. Together, we can make a difference by promoting radical empathy, responsible stewardship, and inclusivity in all aspects of business.



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