Quantum Human Design Family Coach Certification

Build a Career and Make a Lasting Impact by Transforming the Ways Families Thrive in Today’s World

There is nothing that will transform a culture more powerfully than strong family units.

Yet, in today’s rapidly changing world, families are dealing with more than ever before.

With the constant input, the conflicting messages, and the weight of decisions that have to be made, parents are facing an increasing amount of pressure.

But the struggle doesn’t have to be so prevailing.

We know the power of Quantum Human Design in the lives of adults.

What if we could teach families how to leverage the same principles so they could create a unique parenting plan for each of their unique children?

What if we could give them the tools they need to address the most difficult behaviors that come up in a way that is perfectly suited for their individual children’s needs?

What if we could give parents the skills to do their own healing work so they don’t have to bring their past into the way they parent their children today?


After years of studying child development, working with families, mapping out the foundations of Quantum Human Design, and raising 8 children of my own, I’ve put together the most comprehensive certification for those who want to make a career out of helping families thrive.

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Lynne Cutthorn's testimonial...

A Waldorf teacher in Brooklyn, New York, has this to say about her work with Karen…

"I just want to thank you for creating the Family Coach Training. You are masterful at pulling together valuable information from so many pertinent domains and synthesizing it into a cohesive body of knowledge. Our time together flew by due to your skillful weaving of practical information with visionary understandings. It was a joy to be a participant and to experience your insights, your openness to questions, and your thoughtful responses. You are incredibly generous with your attentiveness, materials, natural warmth, and affirmations of who we are and what each of us has to bring. It's so clear that you love what you do! ....Thank you, Dear One, for being you and for being a true teacher."

Quantum Human Design Family Coach Certification

The premier certification for those who want to build a business that serves families through the power of Quantum Human Design.

This certification is based on evidence-supported practices in the fields of child development AND Human Design.

Much of what you see out there in the world of Human Design—if not filtered through what we know about basic human development—can actually be harmful to children and lead to even more challenging behaviors.

However, when you bring these two worlds together, help build custom parenting plans, and support families through the process of implementing their plans, you have the incredible ability to make REAL change that improves the quality of life for EVERYONE involved.

Add to that our marketing and business development sections of the certification, and you’ve got everything you need to build a fulfilling, meaningful career as a paid Family Coach.

Inside the Quantum Human Design Family Coach Certification, you will learn:

Current evolutionary trends in children, including:

Common behavioral manifestations of children.

Common challenges facing families TODAY as they raise their children in a chaotic world

The impact that Quantum Human Design has on family structure and function

How to use the Family Coaching Model to support and encourage modern families

Foundational principles of child development and the development of the family, including information about:

Pregnancy and childbirth.

Child development and discipline; moving into a model of democratic parenting vs. autocratic or permissive parenting.

Misbehavior and its causes.

Chakra development in children.

Brain development and the impact it has on behavior, learning and communication.

Family developmental issues.

Teens and their unique issues.

The spiritual life of children and how it impacts development, sleep, and education.

How to use various assessment tools, including:

Your intuition

DAT (Draw a Tree)

Quantum Human Design

You will develop a preliminary understanding of the Quantum Human Design system and learn to use it to:

Pinpoint potential areas of strength and vulnerability in individual family members

Teach family members to engage in respectful conversation

Understand the unique makeup of each member of the family to determine how to help them live in harmony

You will learn how to support and become advocates for families in the school system, including:

Right-brain learning strategies

Educational alternatives and options

The rights of families within the public school system​​

Your certification will allow you to:

Implement a step-by-step process to assess family dynamics, create a plan based on the unique needs of your clients, and support families as they seek to create harmony within their home.

Earn an income doing something that is deeply transformational, making a massive impact on families and the world.

Leverage your understanding of Human Design to help families heal from the past and create a custom plan that works for their family’s specific needs and desired outcomes.

Become a resource to families in need in your community and across the globe.

Who is this certification best suited for?

Coaches and consultants currently working with families, looking for a more comprehensive, holistic approach to support their current clients.

Practitioners who see a greater need for a more intuitive approach to support their patients in a family setting.

Anyone who wants to build a career as a coach, helping support families.

Parents who want to learn these principles to implement them in their own homes.

Inside the Certification

This 4-Month Certification Includes:

A special welcome and orientation group call with the QHD Team and Karen to get you set up for success as you begin this program

9 self-paced Modules of Family Coach Certification Content

Quizzes for you to complete on your own time for your certification

11 Live Q+As for you to ask your content questions (replays and opportunity to pre-submit questions available for all live calls!)

Live practicum coaching sessions with your QHDFCC cohort to build your coaching skills and apply the content as you learn

An extensive live coaching call for you to ask your questions about selling and teaching your own Parenting By Design Workshop

A bonus community check-in call with the QHD Team to guide you along your training journey

As a result of our certification, you will:

Gain confidence in your ability to work with families and provide them with a comprehensive approach to finding harmony at home, based on their unique needs

Gain an extensive understanding of child development and permissive parenting

Gain a working understanding of family dynamics and how to navigate them with your clients

Improve your own parenting skills and heal some of your own wounds

Know how to build a step-by-step plan for your clients based on data and years of research

Gain an understanding of the spiritual wounds of children and how to help families address them

Develop and use solid coaching assessment tools to better support your clients

Gain a solid understanding of human nature and how it impacts families

Improve your communication skills so you can better support your clients

Master a basic understanding of Quantum Human Design

Know how to set up a thriving coaching practice

Learn a proven system for attracting the right types of clients into your practice

Feel confident that what you offer is perfect for the clients you attract

Recognize blocks to prosperity and how to use new “abundance mindset” skills to overcome those blocks

Be part of a growing professional community of like-minded individuals

Learn practical ways to implement your life mission in the work you do

Gain access to sound statistical data to support the alternative tools you have in your coaching "toolbox"

Learn how to be an advocate for families who are looking for alternatives

Learn how to teach/market small workshops in your community

Know how to access cutting-edge coaching resources

Learn how to use lots of different marketing tools to grow your business

Develop a career that allows you to express who you truly are and is incredibly FUN

Understand the challenges facing modern families and the Quantum Human Design Family Coach Model

Understand conditioning and how it affects the family dynamic

Know how to help parents manage misbehavior and discipline their children in a way that it can be received

Learn how to help parents build a sense of high self-worth in their children

If you KNOW you were created to help families create peace at home while raising resilient children…

If you KNOW that you are here to help children thrive based on how they are uniquely designed…

If you KNOW that there is more for you—and you are ready to provide support to families who are desperately looking for it…

This certification is for YOU!

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Tami Gulleroy

Who quit her corporate job to become a successful Certified Family Coach has this to say about her work ...

"I just have to write and tell you how very AWESOME you are! The Family Coach Training was amazing. There is so much twirling around in my head. My day job seems quite limiting when I think of all the other ways I can positively affect the world. I know in time it will all unfold. My job now is to integrate and let it unfold! I was very impressed with your teaching style; in fact, it gave me something to strive for. You are such a gift and a blessing to us all. THANK YOU!"

The Investment

While most coaching certifications cost tens of thousands of dollars—and include only a fraction of what we’ve put together here—the Quantum Human Design Family Coach Certification is not even close to that amount…

I believe DEEPLY that, if more people were out there helping families leverage these tools, the world would be a happier, healthier, safer place for EVERYONE.

The investment to join us inside the Family Coach Certification is only $4997.

For most people, that investment will be covered by a few clients (and don’t forget, we’ve got plenty of lessons inside to help you use our proven system for FINDING clients)!

You won’t find a more comprehensive, effective, easy-to-implement certification on the market. It simply doesn’t exist.

I’ve been at the forefront of Human Design for decades—and have combined everything I’ve learned with my clinical background and child development training. This certification, through the work you do with it, is going to transform the world.

Join the movement!

The tuition for the Quantum Human Design Family Coach Certification Training is $4997

Register today to get started!

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Tracy Colfax

A teacher from Portland, Oregon, says this about the Family Coach Certification Training…

“This program was as great as I imagined it would be, and I loved seeing the passion you have for your teachings. It was an honor to be one of your students, and I cannot wait for our paths to meet again."


Is this course for a specific age of children, or does it teach me how to understand and work with children of all ages?

This course addresses the developmental needs and design of children at all ages and stages of life. We even talk about adults and key developmental stages crucial for adult maturity and well-being!

Does this course address children who are diagnosed with autism/depression/anxiety/ADHD/bipolar?

Throughout this program, we’ll address neurodiversity and learning styles and how these can impact parenting and education. This is a coach training program. Coaching is about enhancing the well-being of our clients. You’ll learn how to assess whether a family is in need of support beyond the scope of coaching, so you can guide your clients to get the help they need.

I am not a certified coach. Can I still take this course?

This coaching program will give you a solid foundation in how to coach parents. You do not need to be a certified coach prior to enrolling in this certification.

Can I take this for my own personal family exploration?

Yes! Absolutely!! Many people take this training to help strengthen their own family dynamics.

I am a licensed MFT. How does this course integrate with already established practices?

This is a coaching program, so we don’t focus on dysfunction but rather on enhancing the well-being of families. You will learn how to integrate Quantum Human Design into your foundational understanding of family dynamics. Your new insights about energy, conditioning, and family dynamics will strengthen your therapeutic skills and give you a complimentary path in coaching to help families thrive.

Will this program cover how to address challenges between partners/co-parents with differences in parenting styles?

Yes! Learning how to co-parent with mutual respect is essential to raising resilient children. We cover healthy co-parenting in a separate unit at the end of the program.

What can I do with my certification after I complete the training?

Once you complete your certification, you’ll be able to do basic Quantum Human Design readings, teach the Parenting by Design course, and offer Family Coaching privately. This gives you several streams of revenue that support you in building a thriving coaching practice. After going through this certification process, there is no further licensing fee at the moment.

Does this training address non-traditional families or foster families?

We believe that the definition of “family” is personal. The goal of this program is to help you help others raise healthy, resilient children. The structures and definitions of “family” are diverse and multi-faceted. This is an inclusive training that has, at its heart, the intention to help people help children grow into healthy adults.

I am a school teacher. Is this course right for me?

We’ve trained several school teachers who have found this information essential to helping them decide how to best meet the individual needs of children in their classrooms. We do not specifically address classroom management and education in the training, but the information you learn can be used to facilitate an inclusive, empowering classroom environment.

I’m not a parent; should I take this training?

This program was created for anyone who wants to help families. You do not need to be a parent in order to effectively use this content in your family coaching practice. In the past, we’ve had coaches take this training to help them better support their clients who are parents and, often, we find that this information helps coaches address inner child issues as well.

Do I need to have a business to take this training?

No, absolutely not. In addition to this training, you will also receive support to help you learn what you need to do to start your own Family Coaching and Parent Education practice. Once you complete your certification, you will be able to do basic Quantum Human Design readings, teach the Parenting by Design course, and offer Family Coaching. This gives you several streams of revenue that support you in building a thriving coaching practice.

How long is the program?

The program was designed to be completed in a cohort model within 4 months. The 9 Modules are self-paced, so you can move through them on your own time. There are 12 live calls throughout the 4 months. The training contains quizzes associated with lessons for you to complete for your certification.

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Karen Heffernan

A Certified Family Coach in Orange County, California has to say about our training:

"You provided a tremendous amount of tangible & resourceful information. The first day I felt like it might be yet another course which I received info but would need to pay for and invest more time in additional training. However, you provided us with enough knowledge to utilize the tools immediately. This was powerful. Again, I cannot stress enough how valuable the resources and material you provided are. Each person in the class could actually leave the class and start the next day on family coaching with what you provided!!!

I was especially impressed with the abundance of tangible info on marketing. You gave so many specific ideas and takeaways. Many issues were resolved right then & there AND if they were not we had an exact sense of what we needed to work on. You spoke with an excellent balance of information from your heart, from your many years of experience and from your research. The integrity of your words was clearly evident.

"Again, Karen, thanks for sharing yourself, for believing in yourself or at least simply moving through any fear to share your gifts and knowledge. You illuminate the planet with such radiance, love, and unique light!!!"

There is nothing more powerful than the ability to change people’s lives and make a living while doing that.

If you are ready to dive into the world of family coaching—and know that Quantum Human Design is the best way to support families on their path to harmony, health, and long-term thriving—join us today!

NOTE: If you have already purchased QHD Levels 1 & 2, please email support@quantumhumandesign.com for an insider upgrade discount.



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